An Act of Balance

Finding the balance between faith and fortune, between love and pain, between anger and despair - a tale of a Chinese woman born out of time.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A body at rest tends to ....

[Author's Notes] So last night, on pins and needles all night (partially because of pms, partially because of the stupid useless election friggin' Ahnuld made us go through) I didn't write. Can you tell? I am now further behind than ever, but shall I let this daunt me? (God, I feel like Donnie Rumsy right now).

Today, I shall attempt to write 1,000 words and make up the rest on Friday, my birthday.

So, resigned idealist, how did you spend your 42nd birthday? Oh, I spent it doing laundry and bleeding from the fingers and my uterus. Yeah Yeah, I know my period isn't here yet, but trust me, my office, Bratworse AND myself can't wait. At least I won't be so jumpy and ready to snap at everyone.

All I can say is, I am so glad the voters in California came to their senses. I know that we lost San Diego and Orange to the dark side a long time ago, but I am sooooo glad that the rest of us has come to its senses.

Now, maybe I can write.


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